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Primary School

Achieving through care, challenge and creativity

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Reception and Nursery Tours

Reception and Nursery tour dates for September 2025 entry are yet to be confirmed.  Please check back in the near future for further details. 

Admissions Criteria 2024/25

The following criteria are applied to each application in order to allocate places.

Hertfordshire Education Authority – admissions criteria:

  1. Children in Public Care (children looked after) and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or a special guardianship order).
  2. Medical or Social: Children for whom it can be demonstrated that they have a particular medical or social need to go to the school.
  3. Sibling: Children who have a sibling on the roll of the school at the time of application (Reception through to Year 5). In Year admissions: the sibling may be in the school’s final year as long as they will still be in attendance at the time of admission.
  4. Children of staff:  Children of staff directly employed by the school (from 2017).
  5. Nearest School: Children for whom it is their nearest community or voluntary-controlled school or an own admitting school or academy using Hertfordshire’s admission rules.
  6. Distance: Children who live nearest to the school.


For further information and admission rules, please see the documents below or go to


Reception Admissions

  • All children start Reception full time in the Autumn term (September).

Hertfordshire County Council’s Education Department deals with applications for Reception admissions. Providing that you live within Hertfordshire and have registered with a Hertfordshire GP, you should automatically receive information about the admission process. Please apply on-line at The school office can help with this if necessary.


If your child was born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020, please apply for a Reception place online Applications can be made from 1st November 2023 until 15th January 2024. Places will be offered on 16th April and must be accepted by 1st May 2024.


Nursery Admissions

  • Children who are 3 years old (birthdays between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021) will start Nursery part time in the Autumn term 2024.

From September 2024 children will be able to attend for either 3 or 5 days and depending on which funding you receive you can choose to pay additional amounts to lengthen until the end of the day in line with the rest of the children in EYFS/ KS1. 


Option A: 5 days (30 hours funded Monday to Thursday 8:50am – 3:10pm and 8:50am – 1:30pm on Friday) with an option to pay an additional £10 to lengthen the Friday session to end in line with the rest of the EYFS/KS1 children at 3:10 pm. 

Option B: 3 days (15 hours funded 8:50 am – 1:50 pm per day) with an option to pay an additional £8 per day to lengthen the session to end in line with the rest of the EYFS/KS1 children at 3:10 pm. 

Option C: 5 days - For those not entitled to 30 hours funding (15hours funded with additional hours charged at £6 per hour to reflect the timings stated in Option A with an option to pay an additional £10 to lengthen the Friday session to end in line with the rest of the EYFS/KS1 children at 3:10 pm) 



Children are able to bring a packed lunch from home or parents can purchase a hot school lunch. (Please click here for the current price and more information).


Nursery applications should be made directly to the school using the online application form by the Friday 8th March 2024.  Places will be offered the week commencing Monday 18th March 2024 and the deadline for accepting places is Monday 22nd April 2024.  Please note that parents will need to apply for a Reception place the following year even if your child is admitted to our Nursery class.


For our Nursery Admissions Policy for Nursery, please use the link at the bottom of this page.


What happens next?

As soon as we know which children have been allocated to our Nursery and Reception classes each year, we write to our new parents and children to welcome them to our school and to explain our induction programme for them both.


Our induction programme consists of an information meeting to which we invite new parents and two visit sessions for new children to meet their teacher, see their new classroom and experience some of the activities they will enjoy when they join our school. There is obviously a lot of information to share with new parents so we have put together an induction pack which is available to view and download below...

In Year Admissions


The school has opted into Hertfordshire County Council’s In Year coordination service. Parents/carers can make an online In Year application via the Hertfordshire County Council’s website or contact the Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043 for a paper application form. Parents/carers should return the application form direct to the County Council. 

The County Council will write to you with the outcome of your application and if you have been unsuccessful will include registration details to enable you to log in and appeal online at

Secondary transfer

During the autumn term of year 6, parents and their children are able to visit local secondary schools and then make an application for a place at the school of their preference. Every parent must complete the application online at and for most schools a SIF (Secondary Transfer Form) must be completed and returned to the school you are applying to.  The SIF forms are available via the secondary school's website.


Full details about the procedure are published by Hertfordshire County Council and the deadline for applications is 31st October.
