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Year 2 - Holly & Oak

Welcome to Year 2!

11th October 2024



What an exciting week we have had in Year 2! 


The children entered their spooky classrooms to find things covered in cobwebs and spiders and there were two witches - Witch Fuat and Witch Roach. We had a magical morning creating potions and spells and watching them bubble and boil in their cauldrons while wearing our witches' hats. We had the wing of a Pegasus, a snake skin, the slime of a toad, a wolf's fang, and many other gruesome ingredients. From this, the children worked collaboratively to draft their poems before writing them up, which they will put into a book of spells next week. 


In geography, we have started our UK tour. We have looked at the four countries of the UK and their capital cities. We began in England, where the children learnt about the rose being the national flower, the capital city, and some famous landmarks—while eating a crumpet, with butter! Next week, we will be heading to Wales! 


Following this, we have been looking at a sculptor - Antony Gormley, who is most famous for his creation, 'The Angel of the North'. In our art lessons, the children have been working on their drawing skills and practised drawing some of his work. Antony has a particular focus on the human body and the children worked together to draw their bodies in different positions all inspired by him. They were brilliant! 


In maths, we have been working on place value within 100. The children have been estimating numbers on a number line and comparing objects using symbols <, >, and =. Next week, we will recap counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s before moving on to addition and subtraction. 


20 September 2024

All Aboard the Year 2 Train!


What a great start to Year 2 we have had! The children have settled so well into class and have already begun to develop their independence by taking on new responsibilities. We have been having fun doing team building activities such as constructing towers and bridges with straws and have also enjoyed making friendship boats.

This week we were excited to board the ‘Year 2 Express’ train to London, which was a great start to our new topic – The UK. We will be taking a tour of the four countries of the United Kingdom and locating them along with their capital cities on a map. We will also be learning about their similarities and differences between each country, including traditional food, dance, legends and landmarks.

Our focus book in English is a new take on the traditional tale, Rapunzel. We have already began our work by completing character studies of Rapunzel and the Witch. This is not only a good starting point for our writing but will help us with writing in role later in the sequence.


In maths we have been revising our numbers to 100 and the children have been challenged to think about how they can partition numbers into tens and ones.


In science our topic this half term is Animals Including Humans and we have been looking at how all animals have the same basic needs of air, food, water and shelter. We then thought more closely about how these differ depending on whether the animal is a carnivore or herbivore and whether the animal is wild or a pet.

