School Logo


Primary School

Achieving through care, challenge and creativity

Contact Details

Uniform Information

The wearing of school uniform is encouraged and supplied through Mapac.

Please go to and search for Summercroft Primary. 

You may use other suppliers for clothes that do not have a school logo (trousers, shorts, skirts, shirts & summer dresses and polo shirts).  We do have existing stock of uniform, but not all sizes are available - please phone the school office to place an order.


Please ensure that you order the correct uniform for your child's year group, either KS1 or KS2 as indicated on the website. MAPAC aim to ensure that all orders are sent out within 10 working days but this can take longer during the busy summer period so please ensure that you plan ahead if you are ordering uniform for September.

During term time, delivery options are as below:


Delivery Options

Delivery Charge

Term Time Delivery to your school


Delivery to your home / work

Free - over £50

£3.95 - under £50


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to call MAPAC on 01923 255525 or email them at - they will be happy to help!

Please ensure that all clothing and bags are clearly named.


Click here to order Stikins name labels and raise 30% commission for the school PTA.


Pre-Loved Uniform

If you find the cost of uniform unmanageable and would like to access our pre-loved uniform supply please complete the request form in the link below. 

Pre-Loved Uniform Request Form



Autumn and Spring Terms

KS2 (Yr 3-6) - Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers/shorts, white blouse or shirt, tie, bottle/forest green school sweatshirt or cardigan.  

KS1 (Yr 1-2) - Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers/shorts, white polo shirt, bottle/forest green school sweatshirt or cardigan.

Fleeces are for outdoor wear only and should not to be worn instead of a sweatshirt/cardigan.

Early Years (Nursery and Reception)

Grey or black leggings/jogging bottoms/trousers/skirt/pinafore dress, white polo shirt, bottle/forest green school sweatshirt or cardigan. 



Summer Term Options 

Whole school - Green and white summer dresses.

KS2 - White polo shirt, instead of the shirt and tie.



Black shoes (no trainers) – sensible heels suitable for outdoor play.  During the Summer Term plain black/white/brown/tan sandals may be worn (these should not be flip flop type sandals).

White socks or grey/green tights with skirt or grey or black socks with trousers or shorts.


PE Uniform- Years 1 - 6

Black shorts with school logo or black skort and green t-shirt with school logo.  Plimsolls or trainers for KS1 and trainers for KS2 children.  Plain joggers and a sweatshirt are required for winter.



Please provide children with a named overall or apron that will protect their school clothes. 



In the interests of safety, we ask that if your child needs to wear earrings, then it should be studs only. In PE all studs and watches should be removed. It is advisable for children to keep a small box at school in which to put their studs. If, for any reason, they cannot or may not be removed then the child should keep a reel of tape at school with which to cover up the studs in PE and games. Watches are permitted to be worn but at your own risk. No other jewellery should be worn. Nail varnish should be saved for the weekends.


Toys and Electronic Devices

Please do not let your children bring electronic games or devices to school as they tend to cause misunderstandings and arguments, particularly when they get broken or mislaid.


Parents of Year 6 pupils: If your child needs to bring a mobile phone to school, please write to the headteacher explaining why they need to do so.  If permission is granted, mobile phones must be delivered to the school office before registration in the morning and collected at 3:15pm.  Any phones left in the office overnight will be kept in a secure place and can be collected the following school day.


Lost Property

Lost property is located in the School Office and can be checked at any time during office opening hours (8:30am until 4:00pm in term time).  Named items will be returned to the child's class.


Unnamed and unclaimed items left in lost property will be donated to the PTA to sell as pre-loved uniform or donated to a local charity shop at the end of each half-term.
