Charging & Remission of Fees
Under the terms of the Education Reform Act (1988), the school cannot charge for any activities that take place within school hours apart from the board and lodging cost on residential trips. However parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution to the cost of offsite educational visits. In addition to the day visits, generally one per term per class, there is also Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 residential visits during the summer term. Trips cannot take place unless sufficient voluntary contributions are received. All parents are requested to make an annual contribution to the Summercroft Enrichment Fund. This supports extra activities that are arranged in school for the children (e.g. visiting theatre groups, workshops and demonstrations).
The School pays for Year 4 pupils to have swimming lessons. The governors have agreed that Parents/Carers are asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of coach travel to and from the pool.
Parents in receipt of family income support and/or any other financial assistance should discuss (in confidence) with the Headteacher any difficulties connected with contributing. Children who participate in club activities outside the previously stated school hours will have to provide their own equipment where appropriate, i.e. football boots, recorders etc.
Exempt from the charging regulations are instrumental lessons which take place in school hours. Please see the Herts Music Service website for full details, as some children may qualify for remission of fees.
Please see Charging and Remissions Policy on Policies section for further details.