Health and Medical
Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of your child whilst in our care.
It is important for us to be aware of any continuing medical conditions which are likely to affect your child at school and we ask you to supply us with the necessary details on the admission form. The school nurse is available to discuss health problems with parents at school. This can be arranged through the school office.
For minor injuries sustained at school, all staff are permitted to administer first aid as if a responsible parent. Two members of staff hold ‘First Aid at Work’ Certificates and in Foundation Stage there are staff who hold ‘Paediatric First Aid’ Certificates. A child who receives a more serious injury (e.g. a bump on the head or a knock) will be treated, monitored closely and given a letter of notification of the injury to take home. If a child needs to be referred to the hospital accident and emergency department, we always try to contact one of the parents first. It is essential that the school holds up-to date records of names and telephone numbers of parents and/or a responsible adult who can be contacted in case of emergency, illness or accident during school hours. Please be sure to inform the school of any changes in the contact numbers.
After consultation with the school, parents may give written permission for the school staff to give prescribed medicine to a child. Each year our staff are trained in the use of an Epipen. At KS2, children with asthma are encouraged to take responsibility for their own medication. Please inform the school if your child has this condition or any other condition requiring medication to be in school.
Playground supervision is carried out by a teacher assisted by teaching assistants and/or midday supervisory assistants.
School rules and general discipline are based on the Golden Rules. The Golden Rules are on display around the school and in the classroom:
- Be gentle
- Be kind and helpful
- Work hard
- Look after property
- Listen to people
- Be honest
Neither bullying nor racism are tolerated and any child who feels him or herself to be the victim of this undesirable behaviour should contact a member of staff straight away in order that we can deal with it. Our bullying charter is on display around the school. This gives advice to pupils about bullying issues.