Physical Education at Summercroft aims to build a variety of physical skills in an inclusive way. Our curriculum is cohesive across year groups which allows for a learning journey that is accessible for all. As well as increasing sporting knowledge and technical ability, our aim is for the children of Summercroft to become greater communicators, team-players and leaders. We believe the education aspect of PE is as important as the practical side and that pupils should be able to question and adapt the methods taught to them within a lesson in order to enhance their own skills.
PE is taught for two hours each week throughout each year group, with two unique sports or activities per week. In EYFS, children begin by playing and exploring. The aim is to build up the pupils concentration and focus as well as the determination to keep playing and stick to the rules of a game. Basic dance and gymnastic skills are also introduced to allow the children to explore what their bodies can do and gain more control over their movements. Team building is also modelled and discussed, and is one of our golden threads which run throughout their school life.
In KS1, children start to focus on using their hands and feet to play games. They build on their learning from EYFS about body control, with jumping being a focal point and a continuation of gymnastics and dance which becomes more complex. In Year 1 and 2, pupils will also begin to learn how to use equipment to their advantage, with rackets used and circuits created and navigated. Team skills continue to be discussed, modelled and developed.
In KS2, the children are then introduced to different sports. The talents they have developed are implemented in more complex games and teamwork becomes an independent skill. The skills that are honed are then demonstrated in intra-school tournaments at the end of each unit. Pupils are also provided with opportunities throughout the year to take part in inter-school tournaments against other primary aged children from across Bishop’s Stortford. These events are categorised as Compete and Aspire to give pupils with a range of abilities the chance to experience them.
Gold Sports Mark
Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Maps