Parental Involvement
Parent Consultations
Parents of children in Reception to year 6 are invited to consultation meetings in the Autumn and Spring terms.We encourage the children to attend the meetings with their parents/carer.
Pupil Reports/SATs Results
During each school year, a written report is sent home. Year 2 and Year 6 children also receive an End of Key Stage report containing levels of achievement as measured against the National Curriculum, through teacher assessments in the core subjects. (Maths, English and Science). Year 6 pupils also receive test scores of Statutory Assessment Tasks (SATs).
Other Ways to get Involved
Helping children in school, particularly with Information Communication Technology (ICT), Summercroft time, library skills, on trips and during after school clubs are other ways for parents to become involved in school life.
Parents are also invited to end of topic events each term.
There is also an active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) that needs help in organising and running events such as Quiz Nights, Discos for children, Cake Sales, Summer and Christmas Fairs etc.
The PTA is always grateful for your financial support. New computers, PE equipment and outdoor play equipment are just some of the items purchased by the group recently