Lunch Menus
At Summercroft, the school lunch menu is on a three week rota and changes twice a year. Children may choose to have a school lunch some days and bring in a packed lunch from home on others. They do not need to keep to a set pattern as meals can be ordered on SchoolGrid up to 9:30am each day. The meals are prepared in the school kitchen by well-qualified staff under the organisation of Hertfordshire Catering who are contracted by the county for their services ( The emphasis is on good, nutritious food. Children are encouraged to eat the food they ask for as a sign of good manners to the cook.
School Grid
We use the School Grid which allows parents to order and pay for school meals. More information can be found below...
Meals for KS2 and Nursery Children
Meals for KS2 children are available at a cost of £3.35 per meal. For Nursery children the cost is £2.75. These are ordered and paid for online through the School Grid and we ask that you keep your school meal balance in credit. If debt is accrued and is not paid off by the end of the half-term, we will no longer be able to offer a school meal.
Universal Free School Meals
As part of the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meal programme, a free hot lunch will be provided for those children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 that wish to have one. Those children not wishing to have a school meal should bring a packed lunch from home.
Allergies and Intolerances
If a child has a special meal requirement, for example a food allergy, we will do our best to accommodate, but it is very important that we get a special menu in place before that child starts to have a school meal. Applications for a special menu should be made through the Herts Catering website:
Home Packed Lunches and Snacks
Children in KS2 can bring a healthy snack from home to eat during morning break time. Children in KS1 and Early Years are given a piece of fruit or salad vegetable at snack time.
Any drinks should be brought in named, watertight containers but should not be fizzy or in glass bottles. No foods containing nuts can be brought into school as we have several children and staff who have a nut allergy; this includes Nutella, museli bars, cakes containing nuts, etc. Please ensure all lunchboxes and water bottles are clearly named.
Summer/ Autumn Menu - from 16th April 2024
There is no packed lunch option available on Fridays.