The Premises
The building is situated on a large site with lovely playing fields. We use these for football, cricket, rounders and athletics and for lunchtime play. There are hard surface play areas – for ball games and general playing areas, marked out with playground games. Two of the playgrounds have climbing equipment with an Astroturf surface.
The school was built in 1960. It is on a split site. Classrooms have their own toilets, cloakroom areas, sink and external door. There is an administration area in each building, consisting of a staffroom, Leadership room, medical area, Administration office and Site Managers’ room. Meals are cooked in the onsite kitchen.
The two halls are used for assemblies, PE, music, drama and often as an extension to the classroom. Next to the Junior hall is the well-stocked library with its own networked computer. Each classroom has at least three networked computers and a listening centre. All classrooms have clevertouch boards.
Pupils at KS2 have use of tablet PCs and Kindles and all pupils have use of iPads, all of which are brought to the classroom with a wireless network.
There is a ‘mobile’ teaching block containing four rooms, called ‘The Green Suite’. The Ruby room is a base for Additional Educational Needs, Sapphire room serves as a Music room for individual instrumental tuition, Emerald and Diamond rooms as general teaching bases. There are also two outside classroom within the grounds.
Pedestrian Access to the Site
Apart from the main gates, parents can access the school site from Raynham Road during the following time periods in term-time:
Morning - 7:30am until 9:15am
Afternoon - 2:50pm until 4pm
The gates will not be opened for events that happen during the school day, or for Nursery collection. They are opened earlier at the end of term when school finishes at 1:15pm.
The path is not paved through the woods or lit, so please take care.