Covid Guidelines from April 2022
Below is a summary of the latest COVID-19 government guidance and how it will apply at Summercroft. Please read the information carefully and if you find yourself unsure of what action to take in any scenario, please call the school office.
The full government guidance being referred to can be found here. This may change over the coming weeks and months and I will keep you updated on how this impacts us here at Summercroft.
Control measures at Summercroft on a day-to-day basis
The risk from COVID-19 is still very real and as such, we will continue to have the following control measures to protect our children, staff and families:
- Promote good hygiene practice for everyone
- Maintain appropriate/enhanced cleaning regimes
- Keep occupied spaces well ventilated (using CO2 monitors to assist)
Face coverings
Face coverings are no longer advised for staff and visitors in classrooms or communal areas. Staff however are free to continue wearing face coverings if they wish to.
School attendance remains mandatory for all children when they do not have COVID-19 or symptoms associated with a respiratory infection.
When children and young people with symptoms should stay at home and when they can return to education
Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.
Symptoms of COVID-19, flu and common respiratory infections include:
- Continuous cough
- High temperature, fever or chills
- Loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell
- Shortness of breath
- Unexplained tiredness, lack of energy
- Muscle aches or pains that are not due to exercise
- Not wanting to eat or not feeling hungry
- Headache that is unusual or longer lasting than usual
- Sore throat, stuffy or runny nose
- Diarrhoea, feeling sick or being sick
Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
If a child or young person has a positive COVID-19 test result they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test, if they can. After 3 days, if they feel well and do not have a high temperature, the risk of passing the infection on to others is much lower. This is because children and young people tend to be infectious to other people for less time than adults.
Children and young people who usually go to school, college or childcare and who live with someone who has a positive COVID-19 test result should continue to attend as normal.
Remote education
The school will continue to set work on:
- Occasions when school leaders decide that it is not possible for their setting to open safely, or that opening would contradict guidance from local or central government
- Occasions when individuals, for a limited duration, are unable to physically attend their school but are able to continue learning, for example with an infectious illness
Possible changes to the above arrangements
Should we have a high proportion of our staff or children absent due to infectious illness, I will consult with HCC and UKHSA and follow their recommendations. Should we need to partially close, as it would be unsafe to open due to low staffing levels, I will inform you as soon as practicably possible.
Thank you again for your ongoing support in reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19 within our community. We do still have a number of staff and children who are clinically vulnerable so your continued compliance with the guidelines is much appreciated.